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Quarterly-ish update, November 2016

Since my last update in August, I've been working on a couple of longer-term projects, so I have a bit less public-facing material to show for my work, but I'm happy with where things are going on them.

If you get a chance to stop by the Paul S. Russell, MD Museum of Medical History and Innovation at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, we recently put up an exhibit on Walter Guralnick, a retired oral surgeon who recently celebrated his 100th birthday, and on bits of the history of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at MGH. Earlier this fall we did an exhibit on Visual Thinking Strategies, which is an art education technique that's now also being used in healthcare education. A smaller version of the exhibit is still in our second-floor gallery, and we will be moving the exhibit to a case in the main lobby of the hospital sometime in the new year. We are about to mount our first exhibit specifically designed for the hospital's research buildings in the Charlestown Navy Yard, a celebration of the 25th anniversary of fMRI scanning. If you're an MGHer, check it out in building 149, otherwise, stay tuned because we'll be moving it to a public area when it "retires" from the first space. Meanwhile, we're preparing to do an exhibit on MGH's involvement in World War One.

Online at A Catalog of Curiosity, I've continued blogging my learning journey of trying 100 new things in 1000 days, all focused around history, museums, writing, and teaching. Some of my favorite posts lately have been I Guess This is a Post About Beauty in Unexpected Places about the ropewalk at Mystic Seaport, and It Ain't Simple -- The Real (?) Lessons From Sojourner Truth. The most popular post since my last quarterly update has been What's Wrong with Mixing it Up? about the Knights! exhibit at the Worcester Art Museum.

I don't normally post political content here except when it's my own writing, but I need to acknowledge that America is in a very troubling place right now. Regardless of how you feel we got here, we are seeing an appalling amount of open rhetoric and action from white nationalists/white supremacists/the alt-right, neo-nazis, the Klan, and their sympathizers and their apologists. Here's a useful roundup of resources about how to help your community, by the good folks over at Autostraddle; it's specifically anti-Trump because of some of his policies and statements, but I believe it's useful to anyone against this kind of hatred, regardless of your politics. As an American and as a human, I have to use every channel I have available to speak out, and I urge you to do the same.
