I'm delighted to announce that I'm taking a hiatus from my list items on A Catalog of Curiosity for at least the next year and a half -- the reason that this is delightful is that I'm taking the hiatus to give me more time to work on the book I'm writing! While the blog posts here aren't long or frequent, they often represent a number of hours of what I'm doing with my time, such as when I take a class, read a meaty book, or do a research project. So, what's this book? The working title is "Exploring Healthcare History through 50 Historic Treasures," and it will focus on medicine and public health in the United States through the lens of historic sites and artifacts in museums around the country. It's under contract with the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) Press, an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield. I'm at the very beginning of the project, so don't expect any updates on a release date or preorder information a...
public historian ~ museum curator ~ writer ~ history of healthcare and science in society