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Showing posts from December, 2012

New Post on Diffuse 5 -- Queerly Bookish: A Sensual Journey into Rave

Queerly Bookish: A Sensual Journey into Rave I like big volumes of poetry, especially poetry by one author, rather than anthologies. With small volumes, like the chapbooks that are so common in the poetry publishing world, I feel like I owe the book a thorough read, perhaps even in one sitting. They can be intimidating that way. I’m not big on anthologies because you don’t get much of a feel for any one poet. With a large collection of one person’s work, you can open the book to a random page and dive in, getting a full and rich experience without committing to reading the book straight through. Rave  is a collection of  Olga Broumas ‘s work over twenty-four years, and very much the kind of poetry book you can dive into again and again.  Please be advised: Both the book being reviewed in the post and the review itself contain some adult content. The post handles some subject matter I don't normally write about, but it was a good book and worth reading and reviewing. 

New Post at Cambridge Considered: Profile of a Cantabridgian: Caroline Orne

Profile of a Cantabridgian: Caroline Orne Recently, my reading has introduced me to Caroline Frances Orne (1818-1905), who was a well-regarded poet in her day, and the first librarian of the Cambridge Public Library.  Cambridge Considered: the colorful history of Cambridge, MA is my own public history blog. This blog is not just for historians or scholars, it's intended for anyone who lives in or likes Cambridge. It updates sporadically.