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Showing posts from February, 2014

Returning to Rayon

 Many months ago, I co-wrote a couple of posts with Camille Myers Breeze, director of Museum Textile Services, about the history of rayon fabric. I left Museum Textile Services last summer to start my graduate studies at Tufts, but I recently noticed that I never re-posted those last few blog entries here. In November, I had the pleasure of working with Camille again as a panelist in a round-table discussion she led at the New England Museum Association conference. I presented on our experience with e-Hive, a cloud-based collections management system. Below is the introduction to the rayon posts, and links to read for yourself. "A surprising number of historic clothing and textile items we’ve treated at Museum Textile Services in 2013 have been made of rayon -- and we've added some rayon pieces to our study collection, such as the "reliable" rayon yarn we blogged about in April. This has prompted us to refresh our knowledge of this important fiber and take n...

Yoko Miwa Trio blog retrospective

As many of you know, I've been the blogger for the Yoko Miwa Trio, a Boston-based jazz group led by the inimitable pianist Yoko Miwa, since January 2013. I am about to wrap up my work for them, but I still encourage music fans to check out their website and, more importantly, their music. Here are a few of my favorite posts from my time writing for them: Piano Cookies Jazz with Teens When “Listen to This!” is a Gift Women in Jazz, and in JAZZ The Most Wonderful Time of the Year? Wake Up and Smell the… Music Most of these are favorite posts because of what I put into them: my research, or my creative thinking. This last one is among my favorites for the opposite reason. Immediately after the Boston Marathon bombing, anyone in the city with a keyboard was writing almost the same thing, and it was better that way. Best Wishes for Boston