I'm the first to admit that my website, which is intended to be a one-stop place to see what I've been up to, is the place I'm usually last to update. If you happen to be looking for what I'm doing right now, Twitter (@tegankehoe) is usually a better bet -- although it may be that what I'm doing right now is participating in a Twitter chat, which leads to a flood of tweets on a narrow subject. For the website, I intend to get on a schedule of updating quarterly. So here's what I've been up to lately: I am currently the Exhibits and Education Specialist at the Paul S. Russell, MD Museum of Medical History and Innovation at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. It's a fascinating place to work! You can see what the museum is up to by checking out our Facebook page . I occasionally write guest posts for the museum director's blog column, "Museum Mysteries," at the online magazine Wonders and Marvels. Here's one of my favorite pos...
public historian ~ museum curator ~ writer ~ history of healthcare and science in society